Skills Round Table
In association with the Telford Business Board there will be a Skills Round Table event held at the University of Wolverhampton on October 4.
0900 Arrival, registration & refreshments
0915 Meeting starts
Introducing & setting the scene – Paul Hinkins, Chair of Telford Business Board & Vice-Chair of the Marches LEP
Graham Guest, Principal Telford College
Graham will talk about the recent merger between TCAT & New College and the newly formed Telford College’s vision including how to increase employer engagement
Professor Ian Oakes, Vice-Principal University of Wolverhampton
Ian will to talk attendees about the offer available from the University for both students and employers and how they can both engage.
Case Study:
Paul Onions, Managing Director – McPhillips
McPhillips are one of our highly successful key local manufacturers and Paul will provide a case study on how apprenticeships can be beneficial for both employer and employee
Apprenticeship Video – Marches LEP
Gill Hamer, Director of the Marches LEP
Break out Groups:
When it comes to recruitment, retention and training, what are the biggest opportunities and challenges for your business?
Apprentices, how can your business benefit?
Each table will have a lead who will ensure each business attending has the opportunity to share their skills issues
The Apprenticeship Levy
Dan Leech, M.D of Cadcoe (Construction & Design Centre of Excellence) & TDS Midlands
Dan has many years’ experience of working with Apprentices and creating opportunities for them, and will talk about how the Apprenticeship Levy will work for employers and issues around this
Round up and What Next? – Paul Hinkins
Close of Event – 1130 (please note timings are approximate and may change slightly on the day)
Click here to register to to attend.