Workshop to identify energy issues for Herefordshire businesses
Herefordshire businesses are being urged to attend a special event next week to highlight energy challenges they are facing.
The views will help inform a new energy strategy being developed by the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership as part of its work to help remove barriers to business growth.
A two-hour breakfast workshop will be held at the Marches Growth Hub at Skylon Court in Rotherwas from 8am to 10am on January 23.
It will include a welcome and introduction from the Marches LEP, an overview of the Energy Strategy and associated research and development from energy experts Encraft, and a workshop, run by Sustainability West Midlands, to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing businesses.
Gill Hamer, Director of the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership, said it was vital local businesses had their say as the Government investigates a number of energy issues as part of its new Industrial Strategy.
“Energy needs to be considered to build a strong regional economy, we need the right energy infrastructure for new technologies; to find ways of reducing energy costs for business and explore the economic benefits of a low carbon economy.
“This workshop is aiming to identify the key energy related issues affecting businesses in Herefordshire. Our new energy strategy can only accurately reflect the challenges to businesses if companies are willing to share their experience with us firsthand.
“We hope this workshop will help us understand where there are energy related constraints on businesses and therefore growth, and also explore low carbon options they would like for the future.”
To register for your free place go to: Alternatively contact Sustainability West Midlands on 0121 237 5890 or via