Manufacturing and engineering skills meeting
Talks on skills support for the engineering and manufacturing sector are to take place at a meeting in Herefordshire later this month.
Earlier this year, businesses across the Marches area were asked to identify barriers to their business growth at a meeting of employers from the sector organised by The Marches LEP.
At this event, owners and managers present made it clear that their key issue was the lack of relevant training and skills provision in the local area.
Following on from this meeting the Skills Board of the LEP commissioned a survey of manufacturers across Herefordshire, Shropshire and Telford which was completed in September.
Businesses are now being invited to a meeting involving members of the LEP Skills Board and Engineering and Manufacturing employers to:
Seek views about whether the results in the survey reflect fully the problems employers are encountering with the current skills and training provision delivered via FE and Sixth Form colleges, Universities and private training providers.
Seek suggestions from employers about how they feel the training provision, including apprenticeships, could be developed to better meet the staff training and development needs of engineering manufacturing employers in Herefordshire.
Outline how we will use the results of the survey and the issues raised at this meeting to shape tenders for both capital and revenue funding in 2016/17 to address any gaps and developments in training provision for the manufacturing and engineering sector.
An event will also be held for businesses in Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin on a date to be confirmed.
The event will be held on November 23 at the Business Solutions Centre, Skylon Court. For more information and to book please visit the Eventbrite page here