£12m investment in Shrewsbury town centre
More than £12m is to be invested into Shrewsbury town centre to help reduce traffic and make it easier for drivers and pedestrians to get into and around the town.
Plans for the Shrewsbury integrated transport package (SITP) which aims to dissuade drivers from using the town centre as a through route, and to make better use of the town’s outer and inner ring roads, go on display on February 12.
At the same time, a number of improvements are planned for the town centre to make it more attractive and appealing for pedestrians, and make it easier for pedestrians and cyclists to access the town centre and find their way around.
The project will be delivered thanks to Government funding secured by The Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) as part of an £80m Growth Deal to support infrastructure and broadband schemes in the region.
And the plans have been drawn up by Shropshire Council and its contractor Mouchel, with the support of Shrewsbury BID and Shrewsbury Vision, and approved by the Department for Transport.
The work will cost £12m – with £6m coming from the Marches LEP, and £6m from developer contributions under the community infrastructure levy (CIL) and section 106 payments.
The plans will be on display on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 February from 10am to 5pm in a shop unit in the Darwin Centre, to the rear of Marks and Spencer.
They will also be available to view from Friday on the Shropshire Council website at new.shropshire.gov.uk/get-involved, where a questionnaire can also be completed.
Under the plans work will be carried out to improve four major junctions around the inner bypass at Meole Brace roundabout, English Bridge Gyratory, Reabrook roundabout and Longden Coleham – including improved crossings at many of these junctions.
This work aims to encourage drivers to use the inner bypass for trips across the town, rather than using routes through the town centre. It is anticipated that it will lead to improved journey times and journey time reliability.
Within the town centre there will be a number of improvements to roads and pavements to help provide a boost to the town’s economy. Pride Hill will be enhanced, with a new surface, new street furniture and improved greenery.